What is Group CBT-T?

While CBT-T was originally developed for individual delivery (whether in-person or online). However, there has been a lot of interest in whether it can be delivered in group form, and several teams are now using it locally for binge-eating disorder, bulimia nervosa and mixed groups. 

Following pilot work at South Yorkshire Eating Disorders Association, Elana Moore has developed documents (below) to support the use of Group CBT-T. 

Elana Moore (South Yorkshire Eating Disorders Association) developed a set of tools for Group CBT-T, which are presented here as Version 1.

More recently, Jill Bluff (South Yorkshire Eating Disorders Association) has elaborated on Elana's work, and has developed tools (workbook, slides, session protocols) that are presented here. These are Version 2. 

Elana Moore conducted a pilot study that showed moderate patient uptake (c.50%), but very good retention and feasibility. The effectiveness of Group CBT-T is very promising, with moderate to large effect sizes in terms of eating attitudes, eating behaviours, and comorbidity. The paper that demonstrates this effectiveness is available online as an open access paper (Moore, E., & Waller, G. (2023). Brief group cognitive-behavioral therapy for bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder: A pilot study of feasibility and acceptability. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 56(6), 1228–1232. https://doi.org/10.1002/eat.23935)

The documents to support Group CBT-T are available here for download.

Version 1 (2021) - Elana's version

Version 2 (2024) - Jill's update

Resources for CBT-T - Version 2

In this folder, you will find:

We hope that these materials will prove useful. Please feel free to download them and use them as they are. We thank Elana Moore, Jill Bluff and SYEDA for allowing us to use their work in this way. Please acknowledge their contribution when publishing outcomes, etc.