
Below is the full list of chapters and sections in the manual Brief cognitive behavioural therapy for non-underweight patients: CBT-T for eating disorders (2019).

Foreword (ix)

How to use this book and the associated materials (xi)

  1. The background to CBT-T and its evidence base (p. 1)

  2. Principles of CBT-T, and how to apply them in routine practice (p. 10)

  3. The CBT-T protocol checklist, and how to employ it (p. 22)

  4. The critical first session (p. 27)

  5. Phase one – Exposure, nutrition, and repairing the 'broken' cognitive link (p. 52)

  6. Session four – Reviewing progress and deciding whether to continue (p. 69)

  7. Phase two – Addressing cognitions regarding food, eating, and weight, using behavioural experiments and cognitive restructuring (p. 78)

  8. Phase three – Working with emotional triggers and core beliefs (p. 91)

  9. Phase four – Working with body image (p. 102)

  10. Phase five – Relapse prevention (p. 125)

  11. Follow-up as an active part of therapy (p. 136)

  12. Patients' experiences of CBT-T, and the roles of clinicians and supervisors (p. 143)

Conclusions (p. 152)

Appendix 1: CBT-T protocol (version 3) (p. 153)

Appendix 2: Basic food diary (p. 182)

Appendix 3: ED-15 questionnaire and scoring key (p. 183)

Appendix 4: Information sheet for patients and their families and friends (p. 185)

Appendix 5: REAL food guide for CBT-T (Susan Hart and Caitlin McMaster) (p. 189)

Appendix 6: Questionnaires to give to the patient at each session (p. 206)

Appendix 7: Patient handout on emotions and beliefs that can trigger eating behaviours (p. 209)

Appendix 8: Extended food diary, assessing triggers to behaviours (p. 211)

Appendix 9: Template for therapy blueprint (p. 212)

References (p. 213)

Index (p. 219)