
Demonstrating key skills in delivering CBT-T

Updated 23 February 2022

The videos (hosted on YouTube, links below) show role plays of CBT-T skills, as outlined in the manual (plus one of cue exposure for residual binge-eating). You need to be online to watch them, of course. Watch the first video below to get a better idea of the demonstrations:

The videos are labelled by session, but of course that is somewhat arbitrary, as mostly the specific skills might be implemented earlier or later, according to progress in the individual case. Remember, always be flexible with the patient you are working with rather than being rigid, as long as you are staying on track with therapy overall.

A particular thanks to Jess, who did a magnificent job as our role-playing patient.

Session one

Session two

Session three

Session four

Session five

Session six

Session seven

Session eight

Session nine

Session ten

Follow-up one

Follow-up two